LPC812 MiniKit, Easy Programming, Android Peripheral, Embeddable, mBed Powered
LPC812 MiniKit is a mini development board for NXP Cortex-M0+ microcontroller. It was designed for hobbyists as well as engineers. As a result, the simpler, the better. However, you can find more features if you read on. Easy Programming First of all, it is easy programming for firmware developers. No matter which tool chain you prefer, including Keil, IAR, Code Red GCC or ARM GCC. NXP and its partners have already prepared well-documented libraries for you. Since LPC812 has only 16KB ROM, you can use evaluation version of Keil/IAR to build you code. No more viruses from hacked compilers. Android Peripheral LPC812 MiniKit has on board USB/USART CDC converter CP2102 and USB micro socket. With help of open source projects, you can easily build up an Android peripheral project with USB host API. Plug and play, application software is open source and ready for download. Since LPC812 can support ISP over USART, so the firmware can be downloaded into microcontroller with Android d...