
Showing posts from August, 2017

LoRa Prototype Kits from Ennovation

Vision of IoT and LPWA IoT has huge diversity in connectivity, ranges from PAN/LAN/WAN. However, deployment different technologies in real projects bring very high cost in R&D, manufacture, inventory management, operation and maintenance. There are many merges in TMT/IoT industries, since these companies want to merge these standards and market segments. If we focus on Low Data Rate and Long Range applications, we can find several competitors, including LoRa, Sigfox, NB-IOT. Up to now, Sigfox keeps as a proprietary solution. NB-IOT is an open standard, but most of the small accounts cannot get modules from HUAWEI and leading suppliers. Among these standards, LoRa is an open solution for any players in the market. Although SX1301 based concentrator still protected under NDA with Semtech, we can use much simpler solution with regular LoRa transceiver to serve smaller IoT network. About Ennovation Ennovation LLC., is a Shanghai based design house for Semiconductors as well as IoT...

LoRa USB Dongle USBLR110M Assembly and Trouble Shooting

Version  More pictures to be added for clear overview. Assembly The USBLR110M is made up of three parts: 1. LoRa adapter board, aka main board; 2. MCU board, aka STM32F103C8 controller board; 3. SMA antenna; Please take care the direction while you assembly the kit. 1. Please screw on SMA antenna onto the SMA socket, and make it face upside. 2. Let SWD pins of MCU board face upside, and plug it into DIP40 of main board. 3. You will find micro USB socket faces downside. Trouble Shooting The firmware pre-programmed into the MCU is called Ping-Pong RX/TX project. Each kit will try to PING the other peer, unless it receives Ping from the other peer. So, it is easy to setup a point to point test loop between any two kits. Power up two kits with USB cable, any micro USB cable from your mobile phones are suitable for that purposes. LED blinking After power up, you will find three LEDs blinks. Name Location Function LED1 PWR/MCU...